Therapeutic Painting
When you wish to shift your inner landscape, artistic activity can be a powerful yet gentle way to engage your whole being.
Many of us strive to live more fully aware of ourselves and our effect on others and our environment. Through art, we put emotion directly in motion. Awareness of important issues can then come forth in a creative process that is free from conventional thinking.
Robin is pleased to offer her clients an empowering method of therapeutic painting based in the tradition of Liane Collot D’Herbois. She studied this approach for five years with Jannebeth Röell, RN, BFA, deepening her skills and cultivating an appreciation of the anthroposophic understanding of the soul (the bridge between the spiritual and our practical life).
Watercolor painting encourages the process of self-discovery and healing. This mode of painting allows form to emerge out of color, just as a person emerges out of the psychotherapy process more aware and grounded in novel ways.
You do not need to have any skill or talent, just an openness and willingness to experiment and experience something anew.