Art Retreats & Classes
Simultaneously challenging and fun, Robin’s workshops and classes in watercolors enhance your capacity to be in the moment and to breathe in and out your beauty and vitality.
Sessions are offered in the city of Portland and in Manzanita (on the Oregon coast).
Contact Robin to learn more about upcoming opportunities to create.
Contemporary life has many of us living from our heads with less attention on our hearts. When we have the opportunity to “feel with our brains” and “think with our hearts,” more of our human resources are available, enabling richer relationships.
Working artistically as a group, being in engaged in process without concern for the finished product, can be freeing and bring conflict to resolution.
The Art Hall
At Cedarwood Waldorf School
Founded by Robin in 2013, this innovative initiative brings exhibits, lectures, and workshops on art & anthroposophy to Cedarwood Waldorf School in Portland, Oregon. You can find an archive of exhibits at The Art Hall here.